Here’s some information
we’ll want to know when you call
Are you the current owner the property?
Is your property from a deceased family member?
Is this a vacant lot or is there a structure on the property?
Are there any mortgages, taxes or liens on the property?
Are you aware of the condition the structure is in?
How soon would you like to sell your property?
Are you currently living at the property?
Is someone living at the property with a lease of any kind?
Are you aware of any environmental issues on the property?
Our 5 Step Process
Get in contact - Give us a call! Once we are in touch, we’ll take the time to get to know you and what your goals are during this process.
Tell us more - Terrell Properties prides ourselves in making sure we are as thorough as possible in order to make the process as easy as we can for you. By giving us as much information as you can, it helps us work smoothly and quickly. For more on what you will need, please scroll up to the first part of our information page.
Research - At this point our team will research the property so we can get a full understanding of what it will take to complete the process.
Game plan - Once we have all the information, we can start working with you on developing a timeline and pricing.
Final steps - The final step of the process focuses on doing all the paperwork necessary to complete the sale. We will sign a contract with you and in most cases we will use a title company to do the closing.